Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
Mask of the Phantasm | 5 | 86 | Saturday December 25, 1993 |
Mudslide | 2 | 63 | Wednesday September 15, 1993 |
Paging the Crime Doctor | 2 | 65 | Friday September 17, 1993 |
Prophecy of Doom | 1 | 22 | Tuesday October 6, 1992 |
Read My Lips | 1 | 59 | Monday May 10, 1993 |
Robin's Reckoning (1) | 1 | 51 | Sunday February 7, 1993 |
Robin's Reckoning (2) | 1 | 53 | Sunday February 14, 1993 |
See No Evil | 1 | 56 | Wednesday February 24, 1993 |
Shadow of the Bat (1) | 2 | 61 | Monday September 13, 1993 |
Shadow of the Bat (2) | 2 | 62 | Tuesday September 14, 1993 |
Sideshow | 2 | 67 | Tuesday May 3, 1994 |
The Demon's Quest (1) | 1 | 57 | Monday May 3, 1993 |
The Demon's Quest (2) | 1 | 58 | Tuesday May 4, 1993 |
The Lion and the Unicorn | 3 | 85 | Friday September 15, 1995 |
The Terrible Trio | 3 | 81 | Monday September 11, 1995 |
Time Out of Joint | 3 | 75 | Saturday October 8, 1994 |
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