
Title Season Episode # First Aired
Mr. Bentley's Trains 8 2 08/Sep/03
Mr. Ellis' Exhibition 7 5 07/Feb/03
Mr. Sabatini's Smashing Day 6 9 UNKNOWN
Muck Gets Stuck 1 5 17/May/99
Muck's Monster 5 6 08/May/02
Muck's Sleep-Over 3 11 11/Dec/00
Mucky Muck 3 2 02/Oct/00
Naughty Spud 1 11 19/Jul/99
One Shot Wendy 4 7 17/Oct/01
Pilchard Goes Fishing 2 11 28/Dec/99
Pilchard in a Pickle 1 4 10/May/99
Pilchard Steals the Show 5 8 22/May/02
Pilchard's Breakfast 3 7 06/Nov/00
Pilchard's Pets 7 9 13/Feb/03
Racing Muck 8 4 22/Sep/03
Roley and the Rock Star 4 13 27/Nov/00
Roley to the Rescue 6 10 UNKNOWN
Roley's Animal Rescue 4 5 03/Oct/01
Roley's Tortoise 3 5 23/Oct/00
Runaway Roley 2 3 25/Oct/99
Scarecrow Dizzy 4 6 10/Oct/01
Scary Spud 1 12 26/Jul/99
Scoop Has Some Fun 3 9 27/Nov/00
Scoop Saves the Day 1 1 12/Apr/99

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