
Title Season Episode # First Aired
The Entrance to the Maze: The Anger of the Colossus 8 Monday October 9, 2000
The Evidence That Didn't Disappear (Part One) 9 Monday May 14, 2001
The Evidence That Didn't Disappear (Part Two) 9 Monday May 21, 2001
The Evil Spirit Appeared on an Unlucky Day (Part 1: The Case) 0 415
The Evil Spirit Appeared on an Unlucky Day (Part 2: The Suspicion) 14 Monday October 17, 2005
The Evil Spirit Appeared on an Unlucky Day (Part 3: The Resolution) 14 Monday October 24, 2005
The Falling from Mt. Ryushin Case 8 Monday October 16, 2000
The Falling Off The Condo Case 9 Monday May 7, 2001
The False Kidnapping and Hostage Case 1 Monday July 22, 1996
The Famous Dog Coeur's Achievement 15 Tuesday April 11, 2006
The Famous Potter Murder Case (Part 1) 4 Monday April 20, 1998
The Famous Potter Murder Case (Part 2) 4 Monday April 27, 1998
The Farewell Wine Murder Case 4 Monday April 13, 1998
The Fearful Legend of the Snowy Night (Part One) 10 Monday December 10, 2001
The Fearful Legend of the Snowy Night (Part Two) 10 Monday December 17, 2001
The Fearful Traverse Murder Case (Part 1) 4 Monday February 23, 1998
The Fearful Traverse Murder Case (Part 2) 4 Monday March 2, 1998
The Final Screening Murder Case (Part One) 6 Monday March 8, 1999
The Final Screening Murder Case (Part Two) 6 Monday March 15, 1999
The First Errand Murder Case 3 Monday May 19, 1997
The Flower's Smell Murder Case 4 Monday February 9, 1998
The Forgetten Cellphone (Part One) 12 Monday February 9, 2004
The Forgetten Cellphone, (Part Two) 12 Monday February 16, 2004
The Forgotten Memento from the Crime (Part One) 10 Monday February 18, 2002

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