
Title Season Episode # First Aired
The Naniwa Serial Murder Case (One Hour) 5 Monday September 28, 1998
The Nanki Beach Mystery Tour (Part One) 9 Monday June 4, 2001
The Nanki Beach Mystery Tour (Part Two) 9 Monday June 11, 2001
The Night Baron Murder Case (Part 1: The Case) 3 Monday July 21, 1997
The Night Baron Murder Case (Part 2: The Suspicion) 3 Monday July 28, 1997
The Night Baron Murder Case (Part 3: The Solution) 3 Monday August 4, 1997
The Night Before the Wedding Locked Room Murder Case (Part One) 6 Monday April 19, 1999
The Night Before the Wedding Locked Room Murder Case (Part Two) 6 Monday April 26, 1999
The Nocturne of the Red Murderous Intent (part 1) 7 Monday February 14, 2000
The Nocturne of the Red Murderous Intent (part 2) 7 Monday February 21, 2000
The Ojamanbou Murder Case 3 Monday April 28, 1997
The Old Castle Investigation Case (Part One) 6 Monday February 22, 1999
The Old Castle Investigation Case (Part Two) 6 Monday March 1, 1999
The Osaka 3 9 Monday June 18, 2001
The Osaka 3 9 Monday June 25, 2001
The Osaka Double Mystery - The Swordsman and Toyotomi's Castle 10 Monday January 7, 2002
The Phantom of Baker Street 17 Saturday April 20, 2002
The Photograph Mail From a Clown 14 Monday December 19, 2005
The Private Eyes' Requiem 17 Saturday April 15, 2006
The Revival of the Dying Message (part 1) 7 Monday December 13, 1999
The Revival of the Dying Message (part 2) 7 Monday December 20, 1999
The Scuba Diving Murder Case (Part 1) 5 Monday August 17, 1998
The Scuba Diving Murder Case (Part 2) 5 Monday August 24, 1998
The Sealed Western-style Window (Part 1) 15 Monday July 24, 2006

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