
Title Season Episode # First Aired
The Tarnished Masked Hero (Part One) 12 Monday April 21, 2003
The Tarnished Masked Hero (Part Two) 12 Monday April 28, 2003
The Tenth Passenger (Part 1) 8 Monday July 31, 2000
The Tenth Passenger (Part 2) 8 Monday August 7, 2000
The Third Fingerprint Murder Case 3 Monday June 23, 1997
The Three Hotta Brothers Murder Case 2 Monday January 20, 1997
The Time Bombed Skyscraper 17 Saturday April 19, 1997
The Tradegy of the Pier in Plain Sight (Part 2) 13 Monday July 12, 2004
The Tragedy at the OK Corral 9 Monday September 17, 2001
The Tragedy of the Pier in Plain Sight (Part 1) 13 Monday July 5, 2004
The Train Trick Murder Case 3 Monday April 21, 1997
The Traveling Drama Murder Case (Part One) 5 Monday November 30, 1998
The Traveling Drama Murder Case (Part Two) 5 Monday December 7, 1998
The Triplets Summer House Murder Case 3 Monday August 18, 1997
The Truth Behind Valentine's (Part One: The Murder) 10 Monday January 28, 2002
The Truth Behind Valentine's (Part Three: The Solution) 10 Monday February 11, 2002
The Truth Behind Valentine's (Part Two: The Deduction) 10 Monday February 4, 2002
The Truth of the Exploding Car Case (Part 1) 6 Monday June 28, 1999
The Truth of the Exploding Car Case (part 2) 6 Monday July 5, 1999
The TV Station Murder Case 2 Monday September 2, 1996
The Underwater Locked Room Case 6 Monday August 2, 1999
The Unseen Angle of the Darkness (part 1) 7 Monday November 29, 1999
The Unseen Angle of the Darkness (part 2) 7 Monday December 6, 1999
The Vanished Kidnapper's Getaway Car (Part One) 12 Monday May 26, 2003

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