Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
The Legend of a Dragon | 2 | 33 | Friday February 15, 2002 |
The Legend of Goku | 0 | ||
The Mysterious Fifth Man | 3 | 74 | Thursday November 21, 2002 |
The Mysterious Hero | 5 | 138 | Monday November 3, 2003 |
The Nimbus Cloud of Roshi | 1 | 3 | Wednesday August 22, 2001 |
The Ninja Murasaki is Coming! | 2 | 37 | Thursday February 21, 2002 |
The Notorious Mercenary | 3 | 59 | Tuesday October 29, 2002 |
The Ox-King on Fire Mountain | 1 | 7 | Tuesday August 28, 2001 |
The Path to Power | 6 | 157 | Monday March 4, 1996 |
The Penalty is Pinball | 1 | 11 | Monday September 3, 2001 |
The Pirate Treasure | 2 | 52 | Thursday March 14, 2002 |
The Rampage of InoShikaCho | 3 | 82 | Tuesday December 3, 2002 |
The Return of Goku | 3 | 63 | Wednesday November 6, 2002 |
The Roaming Lake | 2 | 29 | Monday February 11, 2002 |
The Secret of Dr. Flappe | 2 | 42 | Thursday February 28, 2002 |
The Spirit Cannon | 3 | 100 | Monday December 30, 2002 |
The Strong Ones | 3 | 75 | Friday November 22, 2002 |
The Time Room | 5 | 129 | Thursday October 16, 2003 |
The Tournament Begins | 1 | 19 | Thursday September 13, 2001 |
The Trap is Sprung | 2 | 50 | Tuesday March 12, 2002 |
The True Colors of the Masked Man | 3 | 76 | Monday November 25, 2002 |
The Turtle Hermit Way | 1 | 18 | Wednesday September 12, 2001 |
The Ultimate Sacrifice | 4 | 117 | Thursday September 25, 2003 |
The Victor | 5 | 148 | Wednesday November 19, 2003 |
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