Bones in the Body
Episode Number:
First aired:
Monday September 8, 1997
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Other Episodes in this Series:

Title Season Episode # First Aired
Moosage in a Bottle 5 444 Monday September 8, 1997
Back in Style 5 445 Monday September 8, 1997
Bones in the Body 5 446 Monday September 8, 1997
447 5 447 Saturday September 13, 1997
Dot - The Macadamia Nut 5 448 Saturday September 13, 1997
Bully for Skippy 5 449 Saturday September 13, 1997
Cute First (Ask Questions Later) 5 450 Saturday October 11, 1997
Acquaintances 5 451 Saturday October 11, 1997
Here Comes Attila 5 452 Saturday October 11, 1997
Boo Wonder 5 453 Saturday October 11, 1997
The Brain's Apprentice 5 454 Saturday November 1, 1997
Punchline - Why did the Chicken Cross the Road? 5 455 Saturday November 1, 1997
Punchline - The Chicken or the Egg? 5 456 Saturday November 1, 1997
The Christmas Tree 5 457 Saturday December 20, 1997
Hooray for North Hollywood (1) 5 458 Saturday January 3, 1998
Hooray for North Hollywood (2) 5 459 Saturday January 3, 1998
There's Only One of You 5 460 Saturday January 3, 1998
L.A. Dot 5 461 Saturday January 3, 1998
The Carpool 5 462 Saturday February 21, 1998
Sunshine Squirrels 5 463 Saturday February 21, 1998
Katie KaBoom: Prom Night 5 464 Saturday April 25, 1998
Magic Time 5 465 Saturday May 9, 1998
The Scoring Session 5 466 Monday May 25, 1998
Star Warners 5 467 Monday May 25, 1998
The Animaniacs Suite 5 468 Monday May 25, 1998
Birds on a Wire 5 469 Monday May 25, 1998
Animaniacs Super Special 5 470 Saturday November 14, 1998