Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
Goldilocks and the Three Bears | 3 | 9 | Monday January 9, 1984 |
The Princess and the Pea | 3 | 10 | Monday April 16, 1984 |
Pinocchio | 3 | 11 | Monday May 14, 1984 |
Thumbelina | 3 | 12 | Monday June 11, 1984 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | 3 | 13 | Monday July 16, 1984 |
Beauty and the Beast | 3 | 14 | Monday August 13, 1984 |
The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers | 3 | 15 | Monday September 17, 1984 |