Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
Man in the Maze | 1 | 1 | Tuesday October 6, 1998 |
Little Giant | 1 | 2 | Tuesday October 13, 1998 |
Strange Tale of Lasagna | 1 | 3 | Tuesday October 20, 1998 |
Immortal Man | 1 | 4 | Tuesday October 27, 1998 |
Paris Under the Roof | 1 | 5 | Tuesday November 3, 1998 |
White Goddess | 1 | 6 | Tuesday November 10, 1998 |
Memories of Summer Pudding | 1 | 7 | Tuesday November 17, 1998 |
Negotiator's Rule | 1 | 8 | Tuesday November 24, 1998 |
Journey With a Lady | 1 | 9 | Tuesday December 1, 1998 |
Charlie | 1 | 10 | Tuesday December 8, 1998 |
Special Menu | 1 | 11 | Wednesday December 16, 1998 |
A Case for Ladies | 1 | 12 | Wednesday December 23, 1998 |
A Peaceful Death | 1 | 13 | Wednesday December 30, 1998 |
Wall in One's Heart | 1 | 14 | Wednesday January 6, 1999 |
Long Hot Day | 1 | 15 | Wednesday January 13, 1999 |
The Elm Tree Forever | 1 | 16 | Wednesday January 20, 1999 |
A Mansion of Roses | 1 | 17 | Friday January 22, 1999 |
Miscalculation of a Faker | 1 | 18 | Monday January 25, 1999 |
Into the Vast Sky | 1 | 19 | Thursday January 28, 1999 |
Island of the Cowards | 1 | 20 | Monday February 1, 1999 |
The Thistle Emblem | 1 | 21 | Friday February 5, 1999 |
Chateau Lajonchee 1944 | 1 | 22 | Sunday February 7, 1999 |
No Way Out | 1 | 23 | Monday February 15, 1999 |
The Day the Op was Born | 1 | 24 | Tuesday February 16, 1999 |
Kalhiman of the Desert | 1 | 25 | Tuesday February 23, 1999 |
Family | 1 | 26 | Thursday February 25, 1999 |
The Red Wind | 1 | 28 | Saturday February 27, 1999 |
A Message from Alexeyev | 1 | 29 | Monday March 1, 1999 |
The Forbidden Fruit | 1 | 30 | Thursday March 4, 1999 |
The Highlands In Your Eyes | 1 | 31 | Wednesday March 3, 1999 |
The Scent is the Key | 1 | 32 | Friday March 5, 1999 |
The Back Street | 1 | 33 | Sunday March 7, 1999 |
Devil Like an Angel | 1 | 34 | Tuesday March 9, 1999 |
The Agate Color of Time | 1 | 35 | Thursday March 11, 1999 |
Love in May | 1 | 36 | Sunday March 14, 1999 |
Blue Friday | 1 | 37 | Tuesday March 16, 1999 |
Interview Day | 1 | 38 | Wednesday March 17, 1999 |
Hunting Season: Part One | 1 | 39 | Friday March 26, 1999 |