Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
Spare the Rod | 5 | 39 | Saturday September 22, 1979 |
Stagefright | 1 | 14 | Saturday December 9, 1972 |
Suede Simpson | 4 | 32 | Saturday October 2, 1976 |
Sweet Sorrow | 5 | 40 | Saturday September 29, 1979 |
Take Two, They're Small | 3 | 26 | Saturday September 27, 1975 |
The Animal Lover | 3 | 27 | Saturday October 4, 1975 |
The Bully | 2 | 15 | Saturday September 8, 1973 |
The Dancer | 5 | 38 | Saturday September 15, 1979 |
The Fat Albert Christmas Special | 4 | 0 | Sunday December 25, 1977 |
The Fat Albert Easter Special | 4 | 0 | Sunday April 11, 1982 |
The Fat Albert Halloween Special | 4 | 0 | Monday October 31, 1977 |
The Fuzz | 3 | 23 | Saturday September 6, 1975 |
The Gunslinger | 5 | 46 | Saturday October 25, 1980 |
The Hero | 1 | 10 | Saturday November 11, 1972 |
The Hospital | 1 | 8 | Saturday October 28, 1972 |
The Mainstream | 5 | 42 | Saturday October 13, 1979 |
The Newcomer | 2 | 18 | Saturday September 29, 1973 |
The Prankster | 1 | 11 | Saturday November 18, 1972 |
The Runt | 1 | 2 | Saturday September 16, 1972 |
The Secret | 5 | 45 | Saturday September 13, 1980 |
The Shuttered Window | 4 | 35 | Saturday October 23, 1976 |
The Stranger | 1 | 3 | Saturday September 23, 1972 |
The Tomboy | 1 | 13 | Saturday December 2, 1972 |
TV or Not TV | 4 | 34 | Saturday October 16, 1976 |
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