Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
In the Presence of Mine Enemies | 2 | 94 | Wednesday November 19, 1986 |
Infested Island | 4 | 121 | |
Injustice and the Cobra Way | 3 | 114 | |
Into Your Tent I Will Silently Creep | 2 | 95 | Thursday November 20, 1986 |
Joe's Night Out | 2 | 91 | Monday November 10, 1986 |
Jungle Trap | 1 | 20 | Friday September 27, 1985 |
Keyboard Warriors | 4 | 128 | |
Kindergarten Commandos | 4 | 127 | |
Lasers in the Night | 1 | 37 | Tuesday October 22, 1985 |
Last Hour to Doomsday | 2 | 71 | Thursday September 25, 1986 |
Let's Play Soldier | 2 | 74 | Tuesday September 30, 1986 |
Lights! Camera! Cobra! | 1 | 29 | Thursday October 10, 1985 |
Long Live Rock | 4 | 126 | |
Long Live Rock | 4 | 125 | |
Memories of Mara | 1 | 55 | Friday November 15, 1985 |
Messenger from the Deep | 4 | 135 | |
Metal-Head's Reunion | 4 | 137 | |
Money to Burn | 1 | 31 | Monday October 14, 1985 |
My Brother's Keeper | 2 | 83 | Wednesday October 15, 1986 |
My Favorite Things | 2 | 84 | Thursday October 16, 1986 |
Night of the Creepers | 3 | 109 | |
Nightmare Assault | 2 | 89 | Thursday October 30, 1986 |
Ninja Holiday | 2 | 86 | Wednesday October 22, 1986 |
Not a Ghost of a Chance | 2 | 92 | Thursday November 13, 1986 |
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