Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
The Sunflower Field | 1 | 15 | Wednesday June 12, 2002 |
The Tale of Princess Bijou | 2 | 103 | Tuesday June 24, 2003 |
The Very Best Present | 2 | 99 | Wednesday June 11, 2003 |
The Wise, Elder-Ham | 1 | 21 | Monday June 17, 2002 |
The Zoo Date | 2 | 67 | Friday April 25, 2003 |
Treasure Hunting | 2 | 56 | Sunday April 13, 2003 |
Valentine's Day! | 1 | 24 | Tuesday June 18, 2002 |
Watching Over Cute Penelope | 1 | 28 | Thursday June 20, 2002 |
Welcome Home Penelope! | 2 | 74 | Tuesday May 6, 2003 |
Welcome Pepper | 1 | 42 | Friday July 19, 2002 |
Who Stole My Shoe? | 2 | 97 | Monday June 9, 2003 |
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