Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
Lupin, Whom I Loved (Part 1) | 2 | 50 | Monday September 18, 1978 |
Lupin, Whom I Loved (Part 2) | 2 | 51 | Monday September 25, 1978 |
Madame and a Thieves' Quartet | 3 | 92 | Sunday July 15, 1979 |
Mona Lisa Smiles Twice | 4 | 115 | Monday December 24, 1979 |
n/a | 5 | 0 | |
n/a | 5 | 0 | |
Operation Great Wall of China Invader | 3 | 93 | Sunday July 22, 1979 |
Operation Missilejack | 2 | 40 | Monday July 10, 1978 |
Paris is for Thieves | 4 | 123 | Monday February 18, 1980 |
Piano Symphony | 4 | 150 | Monday September 1, 1980 |
Play the Thieves' Symphony | 3 | 89 | Monday June 25, 1979 |
Poison and Magic and Lupin III | 4 | 135 | Monday May 12, 1980 |
Rare Find: Napoleon's Fortune | 4 | 122 | Monday February 11, 1980 |
Revenge of the Gold Butterfly | 4 | 136 | Monday May 19, 1980 |
Search the House of Mystery Women | 1 | 22 | Monday March 6, 1978 |
Shooting Orders!! | 3 | 66 | Monday January 15, 1979 |
Steal Everything of Lupin's | 4 | 139 | Monday June 9, 1980 |
Steal File M123 | 1 | 10 | Monday December 5, 1977 |
The Arrest Lupin Highway Operation | 4 | 151 | Monday September 8, 1980 |
The Big Favorite Disappeared at the Grand Race | 4 | 142 | Monday July 7, 1980 |
The Big Oildollar Plot | 4 | 125 | Monday March 3, 1980 |
The Bills that Came from God | 4 | 153 | Monday September 22, 1980 |
The Border is the Face of Farewell | 3 | 58 | Monday November 13, 1978 |
The Buried Treasure of Genghis Khan | 2 | 37 | Monday June 19, 1978 |
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