
Title Season Episode # First Aired
Movie Monster Menace (7 min) 4 5 02/Oct/82
Mummy's the Word (7 min) 2 7 22/Nov/80
Muscle Trouble (7 min) 4 18 30/Oct/82
No Sharking Zone (11 min) 5 10 08/Oct/83
No Thanks Masked Manx (11 min) 5 4 17/Sep/83
One Million Years Before Lunch (7 min) 4 34 11/Dec/82
Picnic Poopers (7 min) 4 32 04/Dec/82
Pigskin Scooby (7 min) 3 18 24/Oct/81
Punk Rock Scooby (7 min) 3 14 17/Oct/81
Rickshaw Scooby 3 8 03/Oct/81
Robot Ranch (7 min) 2 35 24/Jan/81
Rocky Mountain Yiii! 1 13 15/Dec/79
Runaway Scrappy 4 11 16/Oct/82
Scoo-Be or Not Scoo-Be? (15 min) 6 4 23/Sep/84
Scoobsie (11 min) 5 5 24/Sep/83
Scooby a La Mode (11 min) 5 7 01/Oct/83
Scooby and the Bandit (7 min) 2 39 31/Jan/81
Scooby and the Beanstalk (7 min) 3 21 31/Oct/81
Scooby and the Minotaur 5 16 29/Oct/83
Scooby at the Center of the World 2 32 17/Jan/81
Scooby Dooby Goo 3 7 03/Oct/81
Scooby Dooby Guru (7 min) 2 38 31/Jan/81
Scooby Ghosts West 2 14 06/Dec/80
Scooby Gumbo (7 min) 2 27 03/Jan/81

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