Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
Krusty Gets Busted | 1 | 12 | Sunday April 29, 1990 |
Krusty Gets Kancelled | 4 | 22 | Thursday May 13, 1993 |
Lady Bouvier's Lover | 5 | 21 | Thursday May 12, 1994 |
Lard of the Dance | 10 | 1 | Sunday August 23, 1998 |
Large Marge | 14 | 4 | Sunday November 24, 2002 |
Last Exit to Springfield | 4 | 17 | Thursday March 11, 1993 |
Last Tap Dance in Springfield | 11 | 20 | Sunday May 7, 2000 |
Lemon of Troy | 6 | 24 | Sunday May 14, 1995 |
Life on the Fast Lane | 1 | 9 | Sunday March 18, 1990 |
Like Father, Like Clown | 3 | 6 | Thursday October 24, 1991 |
Lisa Gets an | 10 | 7 | Sunday November 22, 1998 |
Lisa Goes Gaga | 23 | 22 | May 20, 2012 |
Lisa on Ice | 6 | 8 | Sunday November 13, 1994 |
Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life | 22 | 5 | November 14, 2010 |
Lisa the Beauty Queen | 4 | 4 | Thursday October 15, 1992 |
Lisa the Greek | 3 | 14 | Thursday January 23, 1992 |
Lisa the Iconoclast | 7 | 16 | Sunday February 18, 1996 |
Lisa the Simpson | 9 | 17 | Sunday March 8, 1998 |
Lisa the Skeptic | 9 | 8 | Sunday November 23, 1997 |
Lisa the Tree Hugger | 12 | 4 | Sunday November 19, 2000 |
Lisa the Vegetarian | 7 | 5 | Sunday October 15, 1995 |
Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy | 5 | 14 | Thursday February 17, 1994 |
Lisa's Date with Density | 8 | 7 | Sunday December 15, 1996 |
Lisa's First Word | 4 | 10 | Thursday December 3, 1992 |
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