Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
The Enchanted Baby | 2 | 77 | Saturday November 20, 1982 |
The Enchanted Quill | 6 | 280 | Saturday November 15, 1986 |
The Fake Smurf | 1 | 21 | Saturday October 24, 1981 |
The Fastest Wizard In The World | 7 | 313 | Saturday October 3, 1987 |
The First Telesmurf | 3 | 94 | Saturday September 24, 1983 |
The Fountain Of Smurf | 1 | 25 | Saturday November 7, 1981 |
The Gallant Smurf | 6 | 285 | Saturday November 22, 1986 |
The Gargoyle Of Quarrel Castle | 4 | 191 | Saturday November 17, 1984 |
The Goblin of Boulder Wood | 2 | 54 | Saturday October 9, 1982 |
The Golden Rhino | 9 | 426 | Saturday December 2, 1989 |
The Golden Rhino | 9 | 426 | Saturday December 2, 1989 |
The Golden Smurf Award | 3 | 121 | Saturday October 29, 1983 |
The Good, The Bad, And The Smurfy | 2 | 81 | Saturday November 27, 1982 |
The Great Slime Crop Failure | 5 | 220 | Saturday October 26, 1985 |
The Grouchiest Game In Town | 5 | 213 | Saturday October 12, 1985 |
The Grumpy Gremlin | 3 | 112 | Saturday October 15, 1983 |
The Haunted Castle | 2 | 63 | Saturday October 23, 1982 |
The Horn Of Plenty | 6 | 272 | Saturday November 1, 1986 |
The Hundredth Smurf | 1 | 28 | Saturday November 14, 1981 |
The Imposter King | 2 | 60 | Saturday October 23, 1982 |
The Incredible Shrinking Wizard | 4 | 158 | Saturday September 29, 1984 |
The Kaplowey Scroll | 2 | 53 | Saturday October 9, 1982 |
The Last Laugh | 2 | 67 | Saturday October 30, 1982 |
The Last Smurfberry | 3 | 97 | Saturday September 24, 1983 |
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