Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
The Patchwork Bear | 4 | 184 | Saturday November 10, 1984 |
The Prince And The Hopper | 6 | 242 | Saturday September 20, 1986 |
The Prince And The Peewit | 2 | 76 | Saturday November 20, 1982 |
The Purple Smurf | 1 | 24 | Saturday October 31, 1981 |
The Pussywillow Pixies | 4 | 170 | Saturday October 13, 1984 |
The Raven Wizard | 2 | 68 | Saturday November 6, 1982 |
The Return Of Clockwork Smurf | 2 | 72 | Saturday November 13, 1982 |
The Return of Don Smurfo | 7 | 348 | Saturday November 21, 1987 |
The Ring Of Castellac | 2 | 69 | Saturday November 6, 1982 |
The Root Of Evil | 6 | 264 | Saturday October 25, 1986 |
The Royal Drum | 6 | 257 | Saturday October 18, 1986 |
The Sand Witch | 5 | 208 | Saturday October 5, 1985 |
The Scarlet Croaker | 6 | 254 | Saturday October 11, 1986 |
The Secret Of Shadow Swamp | 4 | 160 | Saturday September 29, 1984 |
The Secret Of The Village Well | 4 | 148 | Saturday September 15, 1984 |
The Sky Is Smurfing! The Sky Is Smurfing! | 2 | 70 | Saturday November 6, 1982 |
The Smurf Fire Brigade | 3 | 91 | Saturday September 17, 1983 |
The Smurf Odyssey | 9 | 399 | Saturday September 30, 1989 |
The Smurf Who Could Do No Wrong | 7 | 355 | Saturday November 28, 1987 |
The Smurf Who Couldn't Say No | 2 | 41 | Saturday September 18, 1982 |
The Smurf Who Would Be King | 3 | 103 | Saturday October 8, 1983 |
The Smurf-Walk Cafe | 4 | 175 | Saturday October 20, 1984 |
The Smurfbox Derby | 4 | 172 | Saturday October 13, 1984 |
The Smurfette | 1 | 31 | Saturday November 21, 1981 |
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