Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
The Smurfic Games | 3 | 145 | Sunday May 20, 1984 |
The Smurfiest Of Friends | 4 | 176 | Saturday October 20, 1984 |
The Smurflings | 5 | 197 | Saturday September 21, 1985 |
The Smurflings' Unsmurfy Friend | 7 | 301 | Saturday September 19, 1987 |
The Smurfomatic Smurfolator | 4 | 166 | Saturday October 6, 1984 |
The Smurfs And The Howlibird | 1 | 9 | Saturday September 26, 1981 |
The Smurfs And The Money Tree | 1 | 40 | Saturday December 5, 1981 |
The Smurfs Christmas Special | 2 | 87 | Sunday December 12, 1982 |
The Smurfs That Time Forgot (1) | 9 | 389 | Saturday September 9, 1989 |
The Smurfs That Time Forgot (2) | 9 | 390 | Saturday September 9, 1989 |
The Smurfs' Apprentice | 1 | 34 | Saturday November 28, 1981 |
The Smurfs' Springtime Special | 1 | 39 | Thursday April 8, 1982 |
The Smurfs' Time Capsule | 3 | 116 | Saturday October 22, 1983 |
The Smurfstalker | 7 | 302 | Saturday September 19, 1987 |
The Smurfstone Quest | 3 | 139 | Saturday November 26, 1983 |
The Smurfy Verdict | 7 | 357 | Saturday November 28, 1987 |
The Sorcery Of Maltrochu | 2 | 51 | Saturday October 2, 1982 |
The Stuff Dreams Are Smurfed Of | 2 | 83 | Saturday December 4, 1982 |
The Tallest Smurf | 6 | 261 | Saturday October 25, 1986 |
The Tear Of A Smurf | 3 | 101 | Saturday October 1, 1983 |
The Three Smurfketeers | 2 | 48 | Saturday October 2, 1982 |
The Traveler | 4 | 156 | Saturday September 22, 1984 |
The Trojan Smurf | 4 | 161 | Saturday September 29, 1984 |
The Village Vandal | 6 | 284 | Saturday November 15, 1986 |
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