Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
Attack of the Amazon Women | 1 | 7 | Saturday November 8, 1980 |
Battle of the Barbarians | 1 | 11 | Saturday December 20, 1980 |
Challenge of the Wizards | 1 | 8 | Saturday November 22, 1980 |
City of Evil | 2 | 15 | Saturday September 19, 1981 |
Den of the Sleeping Demon | 1 | 13 | Saturday December 27, 1980 |
Fortress of Fear | 2 | 19 | Saturday November 7, 1981 |
Harvest of Doom | 1 | 2 | Saturday October 18, 1980 |
Island of the Body Snatchers | 2 | 16 | Saturday September 26, 1981 |
Last Train to Doomsday | 2 | 17 | Saturday October 3, 1981 |
Master of the Stolen Sunsword | 2 | 20 | Saturday November 14, 1981 |
Mindok the Mind Menace | 1 | 4 | Saturday October 25, 1980 |
Portal into Time | 1 | 12 | Saturday December 13, 1980 |
Prophecy of Peril | 2 | 18 | Saturday October 31, 1981 |
Raiders of the Abyss | 1 | 3 | Saturday November 1, 1980 |
Secret of the Black Pearl | 1 | 1 | Saturday October 11, 1980 |
Stalker from the Stars | 1 | 10 | Saturday December 6, 1980 |
The Brotherhood of Night | 1 | 6 | Saturday November 15, 1980 |
Treasure of the Moks | 1 | 5 | Saturday October 4, 1980 |
Trial by Terror | 2 | 21 | Saturday November 21, 1981 |
Valley of the Man-Apes | 1 | 9 | Saturday November 29, 1980 |
Wizard Wars | 2 | 14 | Saturday September 12, 1981 |
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