Title | Season | Episode # | First Aired |
The Spell Of The Elements (3) | 3 | 76 | Saturday September 15, 2007 |
The Ultimate Power Couple (3) | 2 | 52 | Saturday March 11, 2006 |
The Voice of Nature | 1 | 4 | Saturday July 10, 2004 |
The Witches' Crypt (2) | 3 | 75 | Saturday September 8, 2007 |
The Wizard's Challenge | 3 | 75 | Saturday September 1, 2007 |
The Wizard's Challenge (1) | 3 | 75 | Saturday September 1, 2007 |
The Wrong Righters | 2 | 40 | Saturday January 28, 2006 |
Trouble In Paradise (1) | 2 | 47 | Saturday February 25, 2006 |
Truth or Dare | 2 | 38 | Saturday November 26, 2005 |
Witch Trap | 1 | 14 | Saturday September 18, 2004 |
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